Build quality houses your customers will be proud to call home

Never has there been more focus on quality of construction in new homes. Order a Site Quality Review* from Premier Guarantee and let us help you improve your work and exceed the standards your customers expect.

Based on our renowned Technical Manual and experience accumulated through 25 years in the sector, the Site Quality Review gives you an in-depth assessment of workmanship and site management practices at key stages of construction.

With a Site Quality Review you can:

  • Scale-up good practice and focus on areas to improve: learn from 67 Inspection Areas across 11 inspection sections
  • Choose a bespoke assessment to meet your needs or make use of our expertise to set an assessment plan for you
  • Get the complete picture across all areas of work – workmanship, site safety and facilities, materials storage and more – and use to inspire better working in other sites

Ready to get a clearer view of the quality of your work? Request a Site Quality Review by completing the form.

* The service is unavailable for any development containing a single structure more than five storeys tall


Frequently asked questions


As a Premier Guarantee customer, my site is already inspected by you. How does this differ?

We help customers build quality new homes and buildings through quality scores given via our site inspection process. Separately, the Site Quality Review provides a much deeper dive into a wider range of site-based practices and is not restricted to any one inspection stage.

As an existing customer, we can use our experience of working with you to fine-tune a Site Quality Review so that you gain maximum benefit from our site auditor’s findings.


What does the Site Quality Review report contain?

Following our site visit and using extensive photographic evidence, our Site Quality Review auditor will consider and assess up to 67 construction areas across 11 inspection sections, depending on what is available on the day. Each construction detail is scored using five categories: Very Good, Good, Industry Standard, Poor and Very Poor. For each of the inspection areas, construction details will also be logged as Merits or Demerits. An Executive Summary will provide a detailed overview of the site.


Request your Site Quality Review today.